Saturday, March 14, 2009

Available Now!

Rome the Second Time: 15 Itineraries That Don't Go to the Coliseum

By Dianne Bennett and William Graebner

Designed for the tourist seeking a fresh, authentic, Roman experience, this intimate, stimulating guide explores Rome’s bustling close-in neighborhoods, its splendid modern architecture, and its rivers, magnificent fountains, and aqueducts. Itineraries take the reader to Fascist and occupied Rome of World War II, the nearby Alban Hills, and the Eternal City’s lesser-known green spaces. Innovative chapters feature cultural and artistic Rome, including art galleries, jazz clubs, film locations, and rooftop bars--even places that offer a sumptuous (and free) vernissage of wine and hors d’oeuvres. With Bill and Dianne as guides—their voices part of the experience—the curious traveler will discover a housing project built under Mussolini; ascend a little-known holy Roman road on the city’s outskirts; spend an evening in the out-of-the-way, artsy neighborhood of Pigneto; enjoy a trattoria where only Italians eat; and, among the book’s many informative, creative “sidebars,” find in one the troubling story of Rome's Jewish community, and in another locate sites in Angels & Demons. 16 maps, 70 photos, an index, and detailed directions and instructions make this “new” Rome easily accessible. For the frugally-minded, at times adventurous (at times armchair) traveler.

Publication date: March 15, 2009

ISBN-13 978-0-61527-998-5 ($14.99)

CAN $18.49 ₤10.49 €13.90

Inquiries, copies for review consideration:

716.353.3288 to 4.1, after 6.23

011 39 333 9368 331 (Rome, Italy) 4.2-6.23

“Surprising, moving and extraordinary….Makes me want to move back to Rome tomorrow.”

Patrizio Nissirio (Roman), International Correspondent, Ansa-Italian News Service

“Passionate and intelligent—a rich and wonderful guidebook to unknown and under-discovered sites. Even after living in Italy for over 25 years, I found new information, new walks, and new discoveries in Rome the Second Time.”

Dana Prescott, Executive Director, Civitella Ranieri, Italy, and author of Rome with Kids

Foreword by Walter Veltroni, Mayor of Rome, 2001-2008

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