Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Restaurants in Rome

Who doesn't enjoy the vicarious thrill of reading about eating in Rome... but $50 per person as frugal? We don't think so!

The New York Times titled its column Sunday on Rome trattorias ("trattorie" is the plural in Italian) - "Let the Debate Begin"... and we'll take the NYT writer, Danielle Pergament, up on that.

We think of frugal as $50 (or less) per couple - yes, with wine and with more than a pasta dish.

Among those in Rome the Second Time are Pigneto's L'Infernotto [via del Pigneto 31/33; tel. 06.7030.4040, closed Mondays]- up the street from Quarantuno and absolutely marvelous and less pricey, and in the decidedly non-touristy Appio Latino section outside the city walls, Bill prefers the bustling and family-run La Zingarella (Gypsy Girl), which specializes in seafood pasta and is definitely for the frugal [via G. Capponi, 61/63, just off Piazza Scipione Ammirato; tel. 06.781.0687, closed Mondays].

Dianne says go for the romantic, tiny Mithos - La Taverna delll'Allegria [via Benedetto Varchi, 3 – across the piazza from La Zingarella; tel. 06.784.0034, closed Wednesdays] – more a specialty restaurant than trattoria, but definitely trattoria prices.  Mithos  has expanded and is on the nearby Piazza Scipione Ammirato at #7.  Same telephone.  Email - info@mithostaverna.it.  We plan a lengthy post on this, our favorite restaurant in Rome,  soon.

For what could be the cheapest meal in Rome, and yet still of excellent quality, there's nearby Ada e Mario, where you can still get a pasta alla boscaiola for under $7 [Circonvallazione Appia, 81, closed Sundays].

All 3 of these are in the Appio Latino neighborhood and less than half a mile from stops on the A (Red) Metro line. Open only in the evenings.

Bill is so cheap we have to find these places! Want to join the debate??

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