Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sometimes you get what you need: Good Friday in Rome

After a 3-fer + 1 (3 events that didn't happen + 1 bonus - see below), we ended up at Santa Maria Maggiore for the Good Friday evening service and then at the Coliseum for Pope Benedict's service for the stations of the cross.... the crowd was beautiful (including the delightful Irish couple next to us), vistas inspiring (Palatine Hill; Arch of Constantine on left, Coliseum on right) ... but we have to say the Pope was not... he arrived in motorcade, his car surrounded by motorcycles... no carrying of the cross here...more of a procedural service than the true inspiration of the
Way of the Cross. Still, we offer video....that's him in the bright spot on the hill with the red canopy.
The 3-fer? The first CD release event at a bookstore we just didn't get to, because we walked to and in Villa Sciarra - a lovely park on the hill above Trastevere... worth the effort... and we didn't get back in time. #2, another singer event at a bookstore - postponed because of the national mourning for the earthquake victims in the Abruzzo (photo left). But, the bonus was a spray can street artist with fascinating techniques.
#3 - new show on Iran at the National Oriental Art Museum - the paper just had the times wrong (2nd time in 2 days). Typical Roman day, I must say.

Bill's take on Good Friday services: It's all written out! Every word of it. Copies distributed, the devout reading along. Not the most inspiring format. Maybe the Church would benefit from some spontaneity: a sermon from mere notes, random projected YouTube videos, questions from the multitude.

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