Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mystery Photo de-mystified and more...

Complimenti to Alexander Booth, of Rome, who identified the mystery photo (here) as the Fascist-era post office on via Marmorata in Testaccio. It didn't hurt that Alexander is a volunteer at the Protestant (Non-Catholic) Cemetery virtually across the street. Several other later guessers (btw, not all Fascist era buildings look alike, tifosi) mentioned other favorite Fascist-era post offices, including the one on via Taranto in the San Giovanni area (where Bill was "picked up" for taking a photo - hence the admonition in Rome the Second Time on not taking photos in post offices) and the gorgeous one in Rome's seaside town (once port) of Ostia.

The last two guessers were so quick on the draw we're still contemplating the next Mystery Photo.... so stay tuned.

The "more":

For those of you hanging on the edge of your seats, we made our choice in coffee bars. We now patronize 2: the "market bar" in our first post on coffee bars (the "g" in "gastronomia" is missing from its outdoor sign - so it says "astronomia" or not gastronomy but astronomy, and it features an apertif "apertivo panty" - a white martini with bitters, the barista told me... sorry, folks, I just couldn't bring myself to try it. And the barristas there chat us up and are cute (say I). The second bar (we have to walk around the block the long way and make sure we don't go in front of "market bar" - we hadn't even known about it when we were first trying out coffee bars) is Cafe' Desideri on via Ozanam, that Bill mentioned in yesterday's post. Desideri seems to run the block... On the same street are a well-regarded pasticceria and take-out too - so their morning pastries are the best ("ottimi"). Both places allow us to sit down inside and out, without paying extra... and their coffees are very good - i.e., it's all delightful.

And small sins - we finished off 2 after-Easter colombo (the dove-shaped sweet cakes) and one after-Easter enormous chocolate egg (for those of you never in Rome for Easter, those big colored things hanging from the ceiling are chocolate eggs in fancy paper). If anyone knows of any colombo still for sale in the Eternal City, let us know... we can't resist the half-priced stuff.


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