Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mystery Photo Winner; new mystery photo

Congratulations to Matthew Borenstein of the East Village in New York City for correctly identifying a sideview, featuring a statue to the goddess Victory, of the Vittoriano, Rome's massive monument to Vittorio Emanuele II (Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of Rome after Italian unification in 1870).

Matthew, your copy of Rome the Second Time is on its way.

We've actually grown fond (rather as one does of a not-so-cute pet) of the much derided massive, heavy structure, esp. since its interior was refurbished and opened with a museum of the battle to unify Rome (the Risorgimento), excellent (tho' rarely in English) free temporary exhibits, and spectacular views from the top.

The first Mystery Photo proved too hard, Bill thought the second one too easy (Dianne did not and says complimenti, Matthew); let's hope the next (Bill's pick) is just right...and here it is...

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