Sunday, May 9, 2010

Scooters Down, Bill Forced into Role as Good Samaritan

As a scooter driver, I don't think I'm unusual in imagining what would happen if a car backed up into a tightly packed, domino-like row of scooters. Imagination is no longer required. Last Thursday the three of us--Dianne and I were touring with Judy, a new friend from Buffalo--had crossed Piazza del Popolo and headed up the short stairs on the piazza's east side to the road above when this Italian woman did just that: backed up into a bunch of scooters. I took a photo as the three of us walked by, thinking that was that. But she was upset (not very upset, to be honest, but she didn't want to leave the scooters on the ground), and she motioned me over to help her pick up the victims.
They're not easy to lift when they're down--the heaviest ones weigh about 500 pounds, and these perhaps 300--but this woman (now speaking broken English to me) and I managed the task, one at a time, as she called out lifting commands as we prepared to right each bike. Dianne didn't help, but she was there to take the second photo.


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