Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Rainy May in Rome: Che Tempaccio!

With a few exceptions, it's rained every day this May,and when it didn't rain it threatened to, so that we've stayed off the scooter more than we wanted and carried our lovely orange umbrella all over the city (it has a hard plastic casing, which makes it an ideal weapon against the forces of evil, shedding not only water but thugs, Bill imagines). It's the rainest May in Rome in 54 years, so they say. We offer these pics in homage.
From top to bottom: a wet park on the Aventine Hill; an afternoon rainbow over the underpass at the San Paolo Metro stop; puddles across from Termini; and a dog taking comfort under an umbrella, between Piazza della Repubblica and Termini. After we took the last photo, a passing woman tried to make the dog even more comfortable by shifting the umbrella further over its head. The results of her altruism were a partially collapsed umbrella and a confused and wetter pooch.

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