Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Architecture is Back

A fascinating June show on Rome's architectural heritage at the Tempio di Adriano, due passi from the Pantheon, with contributions by faculty and students from the city's leading American colleges and universities.  Bill was  photographing one of the exceptional panel displays when this young lady stepped in front of the camera.


  1. Hey
    Just to let you know that I was born in Rome and have lived there for 28 years and I just ordered your guide on amazon as I like your blog. I'll let you have my feedback on the guide once I've read it.

    Massimiliano Marsico

  2. Some of the best photos are the ones that get ruined. Wasn't one of your best photos one you took holding the camera the wrong way? And the photo of mine that won a competition was so badly overexposed I tossed it into my scrap pile, only to have it fished out by my professor.
